Sleep Dental Care

Conscious Sedation. Caring for Dental Anxiety.

Conscious Sedation In Fort St. John, BC

Take your anxiety away. Conscious sedation for those that has been avoiding dental care due to their anxiety.

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How does Sleep Dentistry Work?

Sleep dentistry is a misnomer for conscious sedation. Unfortunately, patients are not truly asleep during the procedure, although they truly believe they were asleep as they do not remember much of the procedure.

Conscious sedation involves one or a combination of medicines to help patients relax during a dental procedure. Patients will stay awake during the procedure, but feel relaxed and may not remember the details. Conscious sedation allows patients to recover quickly and return to their everyday activities soon after your procedure.

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Is Conscious Sedation Right for Me?

If the idea about going to a dental visit gives you extreme discomfort, nervousness, fear and even panic, conscious sedation may be an option for you. Conscious sedation is regularly used in combination of dental procedures such as extractions, root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) and dental fillings. Sometimes, children are treated under conscious sedation if they are terrified of going to the dentist or refuse to cooperate during the visit.

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What does conscious sedation feel like?

Sedation effects differ from person to person. The most common feelings are drowsiness and relaxation. Once the sedative takes effect, negative emotions, stress, or anxiety may also gradually disappear. You may find that the world around you slows down. Your reflexes are delayed, and you may respond or react more slowly to physical stimuli or to conversation.

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Is Conscious Sedation Safe?

Conscious sedation is very safe. During the procedure you will be entire awake and feel relaxed, although you may not remember much about the process. You will be fully conscious and responsive. Therefore, there is minimal risk of airway or CNS side effect.

Conscious Sedation

At North Peace Dental, we are dedicated to your comfort during your visit. If you feel anxious about your next visit, ask us about your option for conscious sedation.